First I must apologise for not blogging during the summer, its been a busy summer! This time last year, I was wondering if this whole bouquet thing was worth the effort and money that I had put into it. My folksy shop had been open for 7 months, and I had only had a couple of orders. This year has been an entirely different experience and very much worth it. Ive had far more orders, and had the pleasure of working with some amazing brides (and mother in laws, and chief bridesmaids). Ive also opened my own website Below is a selection of some of the bouquets Ive made this year.

But I have to say the two bouquets that posed the biggest design challenge and Im most proud of are Rhonas vintage lace bouquet, and Fionas vintage glass bouquet. Both ideas came from dicussions with the bride, but when I suggested the ideas, I hadnt actually worked out the logistics of how I would achieve it. So I then spent many hours of agonising, fiddling, putting together, taking apart, the odd little bit of swearing, and in the case of Fionas bouquet the breaking of some stunning vintage glass buttons that nearly made me cry
I have since made another glass bouquet for a fellow folksy seller, (cant show you yet, as her wedding is a couple of weeks away) and have perfected the design a little, but still broke quite a few, they are soooo fragile!
So the wedding season has been quite busy, and I am currently starting on Lauras bouquet (giveaway winner) and a couple of orders for early next year. Yes I already have orders for next year, so get in quick brides, cos I can see it being another busy summer, but this time I planning/hoping to stay a few months ahead of myself.
Good luck to my September brides, Stacy, Zoe, and fellow folksy seller (wont say her name cos she doesnt want people to know that she is having a button bouquet). Good luck girls, have an amazing time.