Sunday, 28 August 2011

Body Image

As the mother of an 11 yr old girl, her body image seriously concerns me. She has the figure of an adult woman, and is very concious of this, covering it up with jumpers etc. The most recent problem has been her preoccupation with the scales, how much she weighs, and comments that she is fat.
We have had long chats about this, and the fact that a lot of her friends havent started developing yet, so have very slim, boyish figures, whereas she is very curvy, and always will be. We have made an agreement, that she is to eat what she wants, when she wants it, and is to stop weighing herself. In return I will tell her if I think that she is putting on too much weight, and needs to eat a little more healthily for a while.
I do think that fashion industry has a lot to answer for, the stick thin models that are used in photo shoots are not promoting healthy body shapes to young impressionable girls.
Today on Twitter there was a link to the new Vera Wang collection, gorgeous dresses, but I was more concerned that the models needed to eat something.

Im sorry but they dont look like healthy women to me.
So to combat the images that the fashion industry ram down our young impressionable girls throats, today me and my daughter have spent time watching videos and looking at pictures of healthy women who are celebrated for their curves.

Thank God for amazingly sexy women like J.Lo, and Beyonce who have curves, and arent afraid to flaunt them.